Wasm Builders 🧱

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Aryan Kaushik
Aryan Kaushik

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Executing your first C & Cpp program using WebAssembly

# WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.


Setting Up C/Cpp and Wasm

Considering the enviornment in Linux

1. Install C/Cpp compiler

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ gcc -v
$ make -v

2. Install Wasmer

Wasmer is an open-source runtime for executing WebAssembly on the Server.
If you haven't yet, let's install Wasmer:

$ curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh
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Once Wasmer is installed, you can get the pkg-config easily:

$ wasmer config --pkg-config

Name: wasmer
Description: The Wasmer library for running WebAssembly
Version: 2.0.0
Cflags: -I/Users/USER/.wasmer/include/wasmer
Libs: -L/Users/syrus/.wasmer/lib -lwasmer
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3. Install Wasienv

Wasienv is used to compile various programming languages to Wasm to run on browser or web sever.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wasienv/wasienv/master/install.sh | sh
wasmtime ReBinary.wasm 

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If you want to compile a C/Cpp file to a WebAssembly WASI:

# To compile to a WebAssembly WASI file
# This command will generate:
#  • An executable: ./example
#  • A WebAssembly file: ./example.wasm
wasicc examples/example.c -o example

# If you are using configure
wasiconfigure ./configure

# If you are using cmake (or make)
wasimake cmake .
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If you want to compile a C/Cpp file to plain WebAssembly:

# To compile to a WebAssembly file
# This command will generate:
#  • An executable: ./example
#  • A WebAssembly file: ./example.wasm
wasmcc examples/example.c -o example
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For installing a SDK (wasienv install-sdk):
wasienv install-sdk 7

For setting a SDK as the default (wasienv default-sdk):
wasienv default-sdk 7

4. Wasmtime

Wasmtime is a small and efficient runtime for WebAssembly & WASI.

$ curl https://wasmtime.dev/install.sh -sSf | bash
$ wasienv install-sdk unstable

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Run Your first Program

Create a file named ReverseANo.c or ReverseANo.cpp and write the Program

// Reverse a No.

 int main()    
int n, reverse=0, rem;    
printf("Enter a number: \n");    
  scanf("%d", &n);    
  printf("Reversed Number: %d \n",reverse);    
return 0;  
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Compile and run

Now, to generate .wasm binary file from the .c/.cpp file, we will use Wasienv.

For .c

wasicc ReverseANo.c -o ReBinary.wasm
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For .cpp

wasicc ReverseANo.cpp -o ReBinary.wasm
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Neglect the Warnings.

A new ReBinary.wasm file will be created.

Now, to execute this file we will use wasmtime.

wasmtime ReBinary.wasm 
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You can run your first program by working on this example which is Reverse a Number written in C.

Just change extension to .cpp for C++ programs

Code preview


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dinerdas profile image
Diner Das

Thanks for this!