A logical group of code is called a Module. Multiple modules are compiled into a unit called Crate, where Crate is a compilation unit in Rust.
Module in Rust are private by default.
Declaration Syntax
mod private_module{
fn private_module_private_function(){
println!("private_module_private_function get called\n");
pub fn private_module_public_function(){
println!("private_module_public_function get called\n");
pub mod public_module{
fn public_module_private_function(){
println!("public_module_private_function get called\n");
pub fn public_module_public_function(){
println!("public_module_public_function get called\n");
Syntax for accessing Module's functions
In Rust a Module can be private or public, similarly functions inside those modules also can be private and public as shown in Declaration, while private functions can only be accessed by a public function which belongs to the same module. Accessing Syntax would be:
- Method I of accessing functions
println!("Calling public Modules functions");
println!("Calling Private Modules Functions");
- Method II of accessing functions
println!("Calling public Modules functions");
println!("Calling Private Modules Functions");
Commands to be performed
- Project creation
cargo new --bin rust_module
- Navigate inside Project
cd rust_module
- Project building/compilation
cargo wasi build
- Project execution
wasmtime target/wasm32-wasi/debug/rust_module.wasm
Code for this tutorial can be found over here
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