Wasm Builders 🧱

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Philippe Charrière
Philippe Charrière

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Add Wasm plugins to your GoLang CLI with Sat 🚀

Since release v0.1.4, Sat is no longer just a "tiny WebAssembly edge compute server"; you can also use it as a Go library.

This new feature means that now you can execute the Runnables ("supercharged" wasm functions) directly in your Go programs!

This new feature brings many possibilities (use cases). The first one I thought of was the possibility of offering plugins (secured by default) for my future applications.

Let me show you this with a straightforward example:

First, let's create two Rust Runnables with the Subo CLI:

subo create runnable hello
subo create runnable morgen
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about the Subo CLI

And for each of them, let's change the code of the Runnable interface (look at the lib.rs file):

📝 hello/src/lib.rs

impl Runnable for Hello {
  fn run(&self, input: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RunErr> {
      let in_string = String::from_utf8(input).unwrap();

      Ok(String::from(format!("👋 Hello world {} 🌍", in_string)).as_bytes().to_vec())
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📝 morgen/src/lib.rs

impl Runnable for Morgen {
  fn run(&self, input: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RunErr> {
      let in_string = String::from_utf8(input).unwrap();

      Ok(String::from(format!("👋 Hallo Welt {} 🌍", in_string)).as_bytes().to_vec())
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Now compile the two Runnables and copy them to a plugins directory:

subo build hello
cp hello/hello.wasm plugins/hello.wasm 
subo build morgen
cp morgen/morgen.wasm plugins/morgen.wasm
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So, let's create the main code for our CLI that will execute the Runnables:

Create a go.mod file:

module wasm-builders/sat-cli

go 1.18
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Create a main.go file:

package main

import (
  // 1️⃣

func main() {

  argsWithoutCaller := os.Args[1:]
  wasmModulePath := "plugins/" + argsWithoutCaller[0] + ".wasm"
  wasmModuleParameters := argsWithoutCaller[1:]

  // 2️⃣
  wasmModuleConfig, _ := sat.ConfigFromRunnableArg(wasmModulePath)
  // 3️⃣
  satFunction, _ := sat.New(wasmModuleConfig, nil)
  // 4️⃣
  result, err := satFunction.Exec([]byte(strings.Join(wasmModuleParameters, ";")))
  if err != nil {


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  • 1️⃣ import the sat package
  • 2️⃣ create a sat.Congigobject. 🖐️ The path of the module will be build like this: "plugins/" + name_of_the_wasm_module + ".wasm"
  • 3️⃣ create a new instance of Sat
  • 4️⃣ execute the Runnable function (I joined the parameters array into a string separated by ";", but you can do what you want)

Now, build the CLI: go build.

Using our new CLI is very simple:

Run the CLI with the name of the wasm module as the first parameter

go build
./sat-cli hello Bob
# resutl: 👋 Hello world Bob 🌍
./sat-cli morgen Bob
# result: 👋 Hallo Welt Bob 🌍
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Look at the sample project https://github.com/wasm-builders/sat-cli or click on the below button to open it directly in Gitpod: Open in Gitpod.

We saw that it became easier and easier to include Wasm in our Go programs using Sat.
👀 Stay tuned for an upcoming article on Sat.

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

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