Welcome back guys. I built a minigrep tool with Rust. This tool goes through a file of text provided by you, and outputs the line(s) containing the piece of string you are searching for.
It accepts two Command line arguments; the string you want to search for, and the filename.
The file of text(a .txt file) is placed in the code directory and to search for a particular word(s), you run cargo run searchstring example-filename.txt
To demonstrate, I searched for the string "or" in my sample.txt file and it gave me the results.
To replicate this project with Rust, you should do the following;
- run
cargo new minigrep
: This creates a binary(application) "minigrep" project. - run
cd minigrep
: Takes you to the minigrep directory you just created. - Open the project in your IDE. You will find a main.rs file inside the src folder. We need to edit this folder to accept its two command line arguments: the filename and a string to search for. That is, we want to be able to run our program with cargo run, a string to search for, and a path to a file to search in, like so:
cargo run searchstring example-filename.txt
. - You can get the code from https://github.com/enarx/outreachy/tree/main/Fienne/minigrep/src. I added a lib.rs file which contain tests that carry out error handling such as when the user provides no arguments.
To run the code using WebAssembly:
Navigate to the file you want to compile to WebAssembly and do:
- Compile using cargo:
cargo build
cargo run
- Compile to wasm :
cargo build --target=wasm32-wasi
*The wasm file created in release folder of wasi32 : file target/wasm32-wasi/release/demo.wasm - Wasm runtime:
wasmtime target/wasm32-wasi/release/demo.wasm
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