Wasm Builders 🧱

Cover image for Rust To WebAssembly for Non-Browser Case
Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar

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Rust To WebAssembly for Non-Browser Case


  • Cargo

Cargo is Rust's build system and package manager, used to manage Rust projects such as building Rust code, downloading and building dependencies.

  sudo apt install cargo
  curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
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  • Cargo-wasi

The cargo-wasi is a subcommand for Cargo which provides a convenient set of defaults for building and running Rust code on the wasm32-wasi target.

  cargo wasi build — build our code in debug mode for the wasi target.
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  cargo install cargo-wasi
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  • Wasmtime

Wasmtime is a runtime for WebAssembly, required because cargo-wasi used it as a default runtime.


  curl https://wasmtime.dev/install.sh -sSf | bash
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Command to create and run a Simple project Hello

  • Create a project name hello
 cargo new hello
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It will create a folder containing a subfolder src and a toml file having project information such as project name, version, dependencies, etc. while src folder have a rust file main.rs having a function named main with a greeting message Hello, world! from where execution get started.

  • Move inside hello
   cd hello
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  • Compile and Run Project hello
  cargo wasi run
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This will compile and run the hello project inside of wasm time automatically.
We can also run it using wasmtime like such:

  wasmtime target/wasm32-wasi/debug/hello.wasm
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Next we will see example for Rust Module
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